
I came from some different place and I have never belonged to the musical world. Living the life of an ordinary man seemed to become my biggest regret but turned out to discover a brand new perspective for me and provided me with the distinct comprehension of human nature and existence. I always was deeply convinced that standing on the stage and proclaiming some thoughts and experiences should mean something, something which is intimately personal, personally experienced and deliberate and something which is not faked and feigned.

And I believe that musician should be honest because every single word or thought you put into your song can affect people – can either make them feel inspired and fly high above the ground or make them feel upset and play havoc with their hearts. Music is the great power and the great love. And long time ago I strongly decided to be given to music, to dedicate my passion and patience to the miracle and wonder and the hardest work of being merciful and virtuous, kind and fair.

Whether you like it or not, whether you would like to share it. Because you neither have to like nor follow me and my music, you should like living and follow your heart! And where our hearts will beat in unison, we inevitably find each other and my music will sound for you…

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